Ste­fa­no Cuta­ia trai­ned as an actor and thea­ter direc­tor main­ly in the city of Par­ma, whe­re he was born. He col­la­bo­ra­tes as assi­stant direc­tor with various thea­ter and ope­ra direc­tors; one of all Gior­gio Bel­le­di. In his works he has often mer­ged the sound of the voi­ce with musi­cal accom­pa­ni­ment, asso­cia­ting the Songs of the Divi­ne Come­dy with Fran­ce­sco Taglia­vi­ni’s vio­lin or Pao­lo Schian­chi’s gui­tar.

In 2004 he met Mario Mal­de­si from whom he lear­ned a lot and deci­ded to draw on his pre­cious advi­ce on direc­tion to dedi­ca­te an impor­tant sli­ce of his life to Dub­bing, so seve­ral years later he ope­ned a stu­dio in Bolo­gna and slo­w­ly tried to make his way in the sector.

In 2016 he defi­ni­ti­ve­ly esta­bli­shed him­self as direc­tor and adap­ta­tor with “Rai­deen the Bra­ve” for Yama­to Ani­ma­tion and, toge­ther with the mem­bers Lua­na Con­ge­do and Ele­na Ber­to, the fol­lo­wing year he foun­ded Sin­cro­dub dub­bing company.

Also in 2016 he also foun­ded the pro­fes­sio­nal dub­bing school, which is now beco­ming an impor­tant rea­li­ty in the Bolo­gne­se land­sca­pe, thanks also to the valua­ble con­tri­bu­tion of reno­w­ned pro­fes­sio­nals in the sec­tor such as Pie­tro Ubal­di, Loren­zo Scat­to­rin, Rober­to Accor­ne­ro and Cri­sti­na Boraschi.



  • Rai­deen The Bra­ve (Loca­li­za­tion and Direc­tion) — prod. Yama­to Animation
  • Kya­shan Sins (Direc­tion) — prod. Yama­to Animation
  • Car­let­to Prin­ci­pe dei Mostri (Loca­li­za­tion, Direc­tion and Voi­ce) — prod. Yama­to Animation
  • Karas (Loca­li­za­tion and Direc­tion) — prod. Yama­to Animation
  • Mani Ros­se (Direc­tion) — prod. Satt­va Films and Rai Ragazzi
  • Acqua­Team — Mis­sio­ne Mare (Direc­tion) — prod. Graf­fi­ti Crea­ti­ve and Rai Ragazzi
  • Cells at Work! Black — Lavo­ri in Cor­po (Direc­tion) — prod. Yama­to Animation


  • The Wisdom Tooth (Direc­tion) — prod. Red Spar­row and Rai Cinema
  • Meta­mor­pho­sis (Direc­tion) — prod. Satt­va Films and Emi­lia Roma­gna Film Commission