Davide Pedrini

Gra­dua­ted from the Toschi art insti­tu­te in Par­ma, Davi­de Pedri­ni obtai­ned a pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­tion diplo­ma for actors at the acting school of the Tea­tro Sta­bi­le in Geno­va, with whom he wor­ked for various pro­duc­tions. He is an actor of thea­ter, cine­ma, tele­vi­sion and voi­ce actor.
He acted the Three Sisters In Proof by Che­cov, a pro­duc­tion of the Tea­tro Sta­bi­le of Geno­va, in A Mid­sum­mer Night’s Dream direc­ted by Andrea Bat­ti­sti­ni for the Tea­tro Sta­bi­le of Bre­scia. And again in theTrialof Kaf­ka, adap­ted and direc­ted by Andrea Bat­ti­sti­ni, pro­du­ced by Tau­ma Tea­tro of Roma and in Lisi­stra­ta, direc­ted by Andrea Bat­ti­sti­ni with the Tea­tro Sta­bi­le of Brescia.
Sin­ce 2015 Pedri­ni has been a tea­cher of dic­tion, pho­ne­tics and ana­ly­sis of dra­ma­tur­gy at the INDA school (Natio­nal Insti­tu­te of Ancient Dra­ma) and alrea­dy in 2013 he had been a tea­cher of dic­tion at the Master Class Music and Thea­ter “the voi­ces and the moon”, for ope­ra ” Così fan tut­te “by W. Ama­deus Mozart and inte­gra­ted cour­ses on “thea­ter making” in the Master class.
Sin­ce 2016 he col­la­bo­ra­tes with Sin­cro­dub as a voi­ce actor appea­ring with dif­fe­rent cha­rac­ters in Rai­deen the Bra­ve and Dan­guard Ace, recon­fir­ming his incre­di­ble vocal flexibility.
He was seen on tele­vi­sion in the pro­duc­tion Rai­tre “Ulis­se”, a histo­ri­cal docu­men­ta­ry direc­ted by Miche­lan­ge­lo Pepe.